About Kaibin
Kaibin Wang grew up in Shanghai, China, where he actively participate in sound and stage tech since high school. He participated in the art and entertainment departments when he was at college, providing sound support and compose theme music. He also joined the Art Center of his university to support larger events on campus, and provided sound support for various bands and independant musicians in Shanghai Jiaotong University. Based on the creative and production team of musical Luxun, he and his friends formed Click-In Studio focusing on writing musical theater and support the production for other theater groups in professional standard.
He is currently persuing his Master of Science: Music and Technology from Carnegie Mellon University, where he is learning and practicing sound design, music composition, and programming and combining all those elements together. He loves to create everything new and unique, and is always looking for new opportunities to bring music, sound art and technology together to create a new experience for the audience.

Contact Kaibin
Email: kaibinwa@andrew.cmu.edu
LinkedIn: kaibin-wang-17aa3a309